Fine Lady


A post from Tomi Olugbemi popped up on my reader and he played a game that he saw on three other blogs here, here and here. It’s a game where you set your music player to shuffle and answer questions. The answers are the titles of the songs that come up. I have 902 songs on my phone so I bet the answers will be ridiculous so here goes…

1. If someone says “Is this okay?”, you say?

Find your love- Drake (Like I said, ridiculous, lol!)

2. What would best describe your personality?

Run- Leona Lewis (Should people run from my personality or do I run from people?)


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New artist…. Shakka


I thought I would share a music video from a new artist that I have found out about. His name is Shakka and I first saw him on Wretch 32’s music video for ‘Blackout’. I looked him up online and he is a great singer. I love his sound. It’s fresh in relation to a lot of the music that’s out now. If you like the song it’s available on itunes:
